We celebrate the World Day for the Prevention of Obesity 24th October and that is why we would like to draw your attention to the overweight problem in Poland and its relationship to cancer.
In recent years, the number of people struggling with overweight and obesity increased significantly – in Poland this problem affects even 61% of men and 45% of women. The reasons for this state of affairs are primarily sedentary lifestyle, lack of movement and unhealthy eating.
Obesity is a civilization disease, with more and more people falling down. It is the second most common cause of serious health problems after smoking eg. malignant neoplasms (up to 30% of cases). Obesity and overweight contribute to the development of nearly 40% of uterine and esophageal cancers, almost 25% of renal and gall bladder cancers, and about 10% of breast cancers.
Particularly worrying statistics are overweight in children – in Poland in the last years the proportion of overweight children has doubled and now stands at 17%.
Popularizing and promoting healthy habits among children and adolescents, such as regular diet and physical activity, will help them avoid future health problems. By leading a healthy lifestyle, especially from an early age, we can reduce the risk of cancer.

Source: https://pancreaticcanceraction.org/news/obesity-and-pancreatic-cancer-risk/
We can prevent cancer in 1/3 of cases. How you will ask?
You just have to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Over the past 30 years, the number of people diagnosed with cancer in Poland has more than doubled (in 2010 there were over 140.5 thousand cases).
Cancer is the cause of premature death every fourth European and epidemiological projections leave no doubt that morbidity will increase.
Preventing cancer is one of the most important health challenges. The scale of the problem is huge, but few people realize that there is an effective way to fight cancer.
Many years of research show, up to 90% of malignancies are caused by environmental factors, such as:
poor eating habits,
harmful chemicals.
Cancer can be prevented with primary prevention – it is enough to introduce healthy habits.

Importance of physical activity
Physical activity is one of the most important factors affecting health and preventing the development of chronic diseases. The impact of sport on the risk of malignancy has been the subject of many studies. They confirm that regular exercise does not only help maintain the right weight but also reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.
Stop and think
So, why do not we work out and eat healthy? Is it because of our running style of life? Our work and too much responsibilities?
We should stop and consider changing our lifestyles. It will improve not only our body’s health but also our mental helath..